May 5, 2010

Comment on "Legally Driving Controversy"

I beg to disagree with my classmate Claudia Franco’s opinions expressed in her text “Legally Driving Controversy.” She supports that illegal immigrants should be granted with a driver’s license. I am an immigrant as well, but I do not support giving driver’s license to illegal immigrants.

I think the adjective already says a lot: “illegal.” If a person is in the country against the law, I do not see how such an important document should be given to this person. It is not fair with the American citizens and legal immigrants who pay taxes in order to have good public schools, roads and other kinds of public services, like the police and fire department. Illegal immigrants also take advantage of these public services and do not help maintaining them. Simply giving driver’s license to illegal immigrants will not solve any of the country’s problems, but it will just disguise them.

I sympathize with tough stories of people who come to this country to make a better living and help family in their home country; I personally know people who have been through this. However, in my point of view, the right way to look for better opportunities in The United States is to come legally to this country and show to the American people and government that you are willing to be a good citizen and not break the law.

I agree in one point with Claudia Franco when she says that “The United State should make a law that can help the country because our immigration system is broken and needs to be fixed some way.” Immigration laws are tough and it usually takes a long time, even years, and a considerable amount of money for any one who tries to move here. I understand that certain requirements should be fulfilled, but I believe theses processes should be quicker, especially for those who already have family living here and are willing to sponsor the new immigrant.

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